Registration opens for Feis Culkin being held on Saturday, November 7, 2015 at the Maryland Soccerplex & Discovery Center on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19!! Please mark you calendars, send reminders and set your alarms to register your dancer as EARLY as possible! Click here to get to FeisWeb to register your dancer! Don’t miss it! TheContinue reading “Feis Culkin 2015”
Author Archives: Administrator
Buy Your Culkin Spirit Wear Now!
Fall spirit wear & gear is here! Get the latest & greatest and get outfitted for the new school year & cooler weather. Orders close on Sept 26 to ensure (we expect) that our spirit wear & gear will arrive before FEIS CULKIN on November 7! TO ORDER click here!!
August & September Open Gym/Feis Prep Schedule
There will be several Open Gym sessions at Hughes UMC for Levels 5, 6 & 7 dancers as well as a few Feis Prep sessions for those dancers who are registered and competing in the Baltimore Feis on September 19. Please sign your dancer up in SignUpGenius and make sure to use the proper links.Continue reading “August & September Open Gym/Feis Prep Schedule”
Good Luck Studio2Stage Dancers!
We are incredibly proud to have FOUR, yes FOUR dancers representing CulkiNation in the Studio2Stage company/production in NJ. Good luck to Nick & Tati Klinkenbergh, Molly Opinsky and Alex Papados this week! We are incredibly excited to watch you in your debut performance on August 2! Go CULKIN! Woohoo!
Good Luck at Nation’s Cap Feis!!
Good luck to ALL of the Culkin dancers competing at Nation’s Cap feis this weekend! Have fun and dance your best! Go get’em!