Today, Martin Luther King Day, all classes will be held at all locations at their regularly scheduled times.
Irish Dance Classes in Montgomery County Maryland
Today, Martin Luther King Day, all classes will be held at all locations at their regularly scheduled times.
Mother Nature does not like Saturdays….
Due to the impending weather, Montgomery County has postponed all “community use of facilities” for tomorrow, 1/14/17, until noon, so therefore we have come up with an alternative plan.
Hughes Saturday class schedule is: LEVEL 5: 12noon-1:30pm, LEVEL 6 1:30-3pm and LEVEL 7 3-4:30pm
ROCKVILLE CLASSES will be held at Hughes UMC, 10700 Georgia Ave in the Basement. LEVEL 1: 12:15-1pm, LEVEL 2 & 3: 1pm-2:30pm, LEVEL 4/5: 2:30-4pm.
Of course if MCPS cancels the whole day, we must cancel classes also.
REGISTER NOW for all Culkin Summer Camps! The Culkin School is offering an extensive summer camp program in conjunction with Glen Echo Park for beginner and experienced Culkin dancers! Click here for camp descriptions and links to register! Don’t wait! Our camps will fill up fast!
Due to the impending weather, Montgomery County has delayed all “community use of facilities” until noon. Therefore our Rockville classes are cancelled, and our Silver Spring classes will start at noon. Dancers, please check your emails for more details. Stay safe and warm today!
To all of our Culkin Family, we wish you and your families a very happy holiday season! Classes resume on Wednesday, January 4, 2017! A safe and happy new year to one and all!!