Come to Hughes UMC (10700 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring) to buy or sell gently used Culkin and Irish Dance gear. The sale is from 11:00-2:00. Culkin Dancers check your emails for more details about selling and volunteering!
Location Change Thursday, 9/27/18
Thursday Kensington Classes will be held at Hughes UMC, not Grace Episcopal! Please check your emails!
New Class Times
Dancers in our Monday and Tuesday Silver Spring classes, and Thursday Kensington classes received emails last week about our “shift back” of start times starting this week. Monday classes are shifted back 30 min, Tuesday 4:30 class (only) is shifted back to start at 5:00, and all Thursday Kensington classes start 15 minutes later. Thanks for everyone’s flexibility!
Schedule for Memorial Day Weekend
Saturday 5/26: No Changes – all classes will be held a their usual locations
Sunday 5/27: NO CLASSES – Hurley Feis! Good luck to those competing!
Monday 5/28: NO CLASSES – Memorial Day! Thank you to those who have served!
Location Change Thursday, May 17
Grace Episcopal Church classes will be held at Hughes UMC tonight (10700 Georgia Ave). Sorry for the late notice!