Register today for classes for 2018-19!

Our schedule is set for the 2018-19 dance year!  We have four classes for new beginners aged 5-10, and our Culkin Tots class for the 3-5 wee ones!  Click on the BLUE BUTTON above to go to our registration page.  Our current dancers are reminded to sign themselves up for next year’s classes as well.  And our next adult session will start in September at Glen Echo Park, check back in June for when that sign up goes live!

Location Changes for May 19 & 20

We have a few changes for this weekend’s classes – dancers check your emails for details!

  • Saturday Rockville Classes – to Rockville Christian Church
  • Saturday Hughes Classes – from the gym to the social hall
  • Sunday City Dance Classes – to Hughes UMC

No Classes Wednesday, March 21

Today, Wednesday, March 21 classes are cancelled. Montgomery County Public Schools and all administrative offices are closed today (March 21) due to emergency weather conditions. All school and community activities in school buildings are canceled. The Culkin School follows MCPS inclement weather closings.

Location Changes for Hughes this week

This week is Hughes UMC’s Spring Rummage Sale. We are unable to use the gym/hall on Wednesday, March 21, Thursday, March 22 & Saturday, March 24. Wednesday classes will be moved to the Knights of Columbus Rosensteel & McGinty’s. Please refer to your personal emails for all of the details. Thursday HUGHES only classes will be moved to Knights of Columbus Rostensteel and Saturday, March 24 HUGHES ONLY classes will be moved to Knights of Columbus Rosensteel. All dancers will receive emails with specific details regarding these changes. Please make sure to check your emails.

NO CLASSES: Tuesday, March 20

Today, Tuesday, March 20 all classes will be cancelled in all locations due to the inclement weather. Montgomery County Schools has cancelled all after school activities and Imagination Stage in Bethesda has cancelled all afternoon/evening programs in their facility. Enjoy your free evening and be careful out there!