Friday, June 2

Calling All Culkin Dance Families! Young and Old, Newbies and Old-timers, come celebrate the end of the year at the Culkin Booster Club’s Annual ‘Sweets of May‘ Meeting

WHEN/WHERE? Friday, June 2, 7-8:30 at Glen Echo Park Picnic Tables

What’s on the Agenda? EATING ICE CREAM, DANCING (The Sweets of May…), thanking our VOLUNTEERS and looking for NEW Members and Volunteers to help support all of our dancers, voting for next year’s officers, answering questions for families about Costumes, Competitions, and all things Irish Dance! Don’t miss celebrating the end of the year!

You can JOIN the Booster Club or renew your membership at: Remember that being a Booster Club Member means you will be eligible for discounts to Booster Club activities and discounts on merchandise! PLEASE JOIN US!!! If you have any questions, please contact Liz