MCPS has cancelled all community use of facilities until 3pm this afternoon, Saturday, December 17. ALL Culkin classes are cancelled for today, including the Hughes Holiday Party. We hope to see ALL of you tomorrow at the Booster Club’s annual Holiday Party at the Knights of Columbus Rosensteel, 9707 Rosesnsteel Ave, Silver Spring from 1:30-5:30pm. For more details and to sign up for tickets, etc…CLICK HERE!
Congratulations to Mary Page Day!
An enormous congratulations to Mary Page, our NEWEST TCRG! Word went out this morning from CLRG to all who sat the exam and Mary Page was successful! We are incredibly proud of her and over joyed to have her as an official TCRG at the Culkin School! WAY TO GO!!
Christmas Ceili!
Come one, come all to the Annual Booster Club Christmas Ceili! Live music, lots of dancing, food and FUN! The event starts at 1:30pm-5:30pm at the Knights of Columbus Rosensteel, 9707 Rosensteel Ave, Silver Spring, MD. This year we will have a catered Italian family dinner, a fun photo booth, a cake walk, a Christmas cookie exchange, an ice cream sundae bar, and a special appearance from a jolly old fellow we all know and love! For the Christmas cookie exchange, please bring 3 dozen cookies to share. You may take home 2 dozen cookies of your choice, while the remaining 1 dozen will be for sampling! To pre-register and buy tickets, CLICK HERE!!
Congratulations to our SRO dancers!
A HUGE congratulations goes out to ALL of our Culkin dancers who competed last weekend at the Southern Region Oireachtas! Fabulous placements from our Traditional Set dancers, Teams and soloists! We couldn’t be prouder! Congratulations to the adults who were on top of that podium in the 8-hand! Congratulations to our 8 World Qualifiers!!
Thank You!
A HUGE heartfelt thank you to Eric & D’Anna Jensen & Claudia & Chris Galczynski for giving up their Sunday to conduct another fun and successful Oireachtas Photo Shoot! Fun was had by all! Thank you to all of the parents who brought treats and drinks and of course your dancers to participate! The kids truly had a magnificent day–this is what it’s all about!