March 20 & 22 Location Changes For Hughes ONLY

This weekend is the Hughes UMC Spring Rummage Sale. Please note that all Thursday Night (March 20) HUGHES only classes will be moved to the Knights of Columbus Rosensteel, 9707 Rosensteel Ave, Silver Spring (off of Forest Glen). All class times remain the same.

Saturday’s HUGHES only classes will be moved to the Annex at Glen Echo Park. Please refer to the email that was sent to you in regards to all of the details.

All St. Paul’s and Rockville classes remain the same.

St. Patrick’s Day Parades

Hi Everyone! It’s time to get ready for the St. Patrick’s Day parades! We will be marching/dancing in the Gaithersburg Parade on Saturday, 3/15/14 at the Washingtonian Center and the Washington, DC parade on Sunday, 3/16/14 and ALL Culkin Dancers are invited to join in the FUN! All you need is a pair of black pants, a Culkin Crew neck sweatshirt ($25), a white turtle neck and sneakers. Your instructors will be bringing sweatshirts into the classroom for you to purchase up through the week of St. Patrick’s Day. You can also email your instructor to place an order. Make sure to get your Sweatshirt now!