Grace Episcopal Location Change, Feb 15

This week, February 15, 2018 our Thursday classes will be held at Hughes United Methodist Church in Silver Spring instead of at Grace Episcopal due to a schedule conflict with them.

Class times do not change.

Classes will be held in the lower hall at Hughes UMC.

Directions: The street address is 10700 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD

From Grace Episcopal: head north on Connecticut Avenue, and then turn right onto Plyers Mill Road.  Just before the intersection with Georgia Avenue, turn left into the Hughes UMC Parking lot.  You will see a green Culkin School sign and a banner for the Evergreen School.  From the main parking lot go down the metal stairs to the lower hall.

From the Beltway: take the Georgia Avenue exit North.  At Plyers Mill Road, turn left, then an immediate right into the parking lot of Hughes UMC.

No Classes: Wednesday Feb 7

Montgomery County Public Schools are closed today (Feb. 7) due to emergency weather conditions. All school and community activities in school buildings also are canceled. The Culkin School follows MCPS’ inclement weather policy. There will be no classes today, Wednesday, February 7. Enjoy your day and stay safe and warm!