Tuesday, Feb 17 No Classes

Today, February 17 there will be NO Irish dancing classes at any of our locations due to the inclement weather. Please note that the school follows MCPS’ inclement weather policy and MCPS have been cancelled for today–along with most other school districts in the area. Enjoy the snow!

Class Update for Monday, 2/16/15

Due to the impending weather, we have made the following adjustments to our schedule for today:

  • Bethesda / Imagination Stage:  Classes will be held until 7:00pm today.  The class which normally meets at 7pm is cancelled.
  • Hughes / Gym & Social Hall: Classes will be held until 6:45 today.  The Majors prep class scheduled for 6:45  tonight is cancelled.

Again, use your best judgement re: driving at all.  And once the snow season is over we will investigate make-up options.

 Thank you all!

Congratulations Studio2Stage Dancers!

We are incredibly proud and excited to announce that THREE Culkin dancers auditioned for and made the cast of the “Studio2Stage” Irish dance production! Congratulations to Nick & Tati K and Molly O! The show premiers on Sunday, August 2 at Keane University in NJ. Mark your calendars! We’d love to support our dancers at the show! For more information about the show, click here!